Hope Reins October Roundup: News from the Ranch
Dear Friends of Hope Reins,
Welcome to the Hope Reins Roundup! At the end of every month, we like to share a collection of announcements and stories exemplifying the true hope and real healing found at Hope Reins. We hope you enjoy reading how God is working in the lives of hurting kids, volunteers and generous supporters like you.
Honored to host families from our military partner organization, TAPS (The Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors).
1. Fall Festival for our Families
Because of your support, we were able to celebrate our kids and their families during Hope Reins’ 6th Annual Fall Fest. The grub rivaled anything the State Fair might offer: hotdogs, barbecue, kettle corn, s’mores and cotton candy. Plus, there were activities galore: Pumpkin painting, a photo booth, fishing, three-legged races and of course, lots of horsin’ around!
Thank you for helping us build special memories for our kids and families!
Some members of our Kids Give Back mentorship program worked the food stands and joined in the face painting!
2. Meet Lazeah
Often we are asked, “What makes Hope Reins so special?” Watch this video and find out!
3. Hoof Prints Newsletter Fall
Did you know North Carolina kids and their families are caught in a mental health crisis? A new study by the Journal of the American Medical Association shows only half the kids in our state facing emotional trauma received treatment or counseling last year. The Journal ranked North Carolina last when it comes to children and teens, aged 6-18, getting the help they need.
We know you find this as unacceptable as we do.
“We know healing is possible for hurting kids when they are surrounded by safe, caring relationships.” (Kim Tschirret)
Watch a Video Message from Founder & CEO Kim Tschirret
4. Join the Hope Reins Herd!
We are hiring the following positions: Volunteer Manager, Mentorship Programs Manager and Community Programs Manager. Check it out or pass it on! Thank you!
5. Barn Boutique Open for Donations
Make it a point before Friday, November 8, to stop by the online Barn Boutique to peruse Hope Reins merchandise. Our long-sleeved t-shirts are especially popular in the colder weather!
As always, thank you for your donations!