Sammy’s Story!

Name: Sammy
Breed: Tennessee Walking Horse
Color: Chestnut
Height: 15 hands
Sex: Gelding
Arrived: Spring 2023
DOB: 2012
Sammy’s former owner, Becky, generously donated him to Hope Reins after learning about the loss of Buddy (one of our long-time horses). She’d been aware of our program for some time and realized that Sammy could make a huge impact with the kids because he was so gentle and kind.
His demeanor is especially amazing because Sammy was rescued from a kill pen. If you’re not familiar with kill pens, they are horrible places. They function as a holding area where unwanted, discarded and abandoned horses are held until they are slaughtered or, in Sammy’s case, until they are mercifully rescued!
Becky says it’s highly likely that Sammy taught kids how to ride in his former life because he’s so comfortable in a ring. He also loves to play Follow the Leader.
“He followed me everywhere I went,” says Becky.
Sammy is intuitive and tender. He has a lot of anxiety about meeting new horses and has been a fantastic bridge for kids with social anxiety. He also has a deep ability to see kids and offer them connection even in their fear and anxiety.