A Letter to You With Epic Sunshine.

Sometimes, I read a letter from a mom that just needs to be shared with all of you.

This is a letter of incredible sunshine from a grateful mother—something you’ll relish this Friday morning with all the rain blowing in!

“Dear Mr. or Mrs. Donor (that’s you),

Thank you for your support of Hope Reins.

I have 3 kids in the program. At this time last year, one of my sons thought it would be better if he was dead.

After our first visit to the ranch, he said he thinks he feels happy.

After one month, my son is smiling.

He knows other people can see good in him, he sees purpose in the horses’ lives and his own.

He is doing his homework and looks forward to his time at the ranch.

He can also cope when life gives us difficulty. This was a gift to our family.

Thank you.

Susan S.”

Have a beautiful day!

In Hope,

Kim Tschirret
Founder & CEO
Hope Reins

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